Perbaiki Red Blink smartphone Blackberry

Fix Red Blink Blackberry smartphone

             Case Redblink Symptoms of damage when the battery is installed, the phone screen did not display the image. Almost like the phone shuts it down, but the difference is in the red LED indicator that flashes. Obviously, the phone in this condition can not be enabled at all.
            Repairing the damage redblink quite complicated for some people. Possible causes of damage were varied. Partly caused by software problems, but not least also caused by damage of the hardware.
           This method applies only to BlackBerrydengan Qualcomm chipsets such as 9900, 9930, 9810, 9860, and 9850. Here are the things that need to be prepared along with the steps.

The first step:

  • Repair Red Blink using EFS software repair. BLACKBERRYHH can also use the tool, or EFS Qualcomm.
  • Click Fix EFS EFS repair or Redblink. Wait until the process is complete.
Step Two:

  • After EFS repair is completed, usually the BlackBerry will be in a state of Error 513. Reload use in accordance with the type of BlackBerry Rapido respectively.

  • After prosestuntas BlackBerry will usually return to normal. But if we examine, IMEInya number will change not in accordance with the information on the back of the battery or on dusnya. For example, be 004 400.

Third step:

    • Before we repair IMEI, conditioning your BlackBerry should be in a position to "No application Linked". We only use Factory OS reload accordance with the type of BlackBerry done.
    • Would be like this.

    • After that, do flashing with Rapido, to turn your BlackBerry into a normal condition.
    Step Four:

    • Repair his signal to write data using the NV NV writer tool. Note: Data NV can be taken from another BlackBerry normal.

    The process is complete. Easy, right?
